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Friday, February 6, 2015

Arizona Subprime Mortgage: Home Loans with Bad Credit

An Arizona subprime mortgage, is one type of home loan that is available to Arizona borrowers with a low FICO score. Learn all the details of subprime lending to determine the right loan for your unique credit situation.

Many potential homeowners with low FICO scores find themselves denied by banks when they try to qualify for a mortgage. Nearly 1 in 4 Americans have a FICO score of less than 640 which is considered to be a subprime credit score. With a subprime score it can be difficult to qualify for a traditional home loan. However, there are other options available for a Arizona subprime mortgage . Certain loan types and programs can help borrowers with low credit scores qualify for a home loan.

One type of loan available to borrower with bad credit is a Arizona subprime mortgage . A subprime loan refers to a loan given to a borrower that represents a greater financial risk due to his/her credit score. A subprime loan is funded by a bank but does not have to meet the same underwriting guidelines as a prime loan. Subprime loans allow access to groups that would normally not have access to the credit market like people with low FICO scores. The most popular type of subprime loan is an adjustable rate mortgage or ARM. In an ARM, the initial interest rate is usually low but then adjusts after a period of time to above the prime rate. The low interest rate is usually locked in for anywhere from 2-5 years and can be as low as 2.5%. After the lock in period, the rate adjusts and can be as high as 10%. An ARM is a good option for borrowers who know they will have the credit to refinance to a traditional loan after the adjustable period or for borrowers who only intend to live in the home for a short period and sell the property before the rate adjusts.

Another loan type that is available for subprime borrowers is a bad credit FHA loan. An FHA loan is backed by the Federal Housing Authority and will allow you to borrow about 96.5% of the value of the home you are purchasing. This means that you won’t have to come up with a large sum of money for a down payment. In addition, the government backing means that you will be more likely to qualify, even with less than perfect credit. This is because the government helps secure the loan for the bank in case of default. One important note is that you will pay monthly insurance on your loan. In additional to you principle and interest payments, you will also pay a PMI insurance payment. This is basically extra money you pay to help insure against default. PMI payments can range from $80 to over $200 each month, depending on the amount of the loan. Make sure that you budget for this amount when calculating your monthly payments. Also, this may decrease the overall amount you can qualify for because it increases your monthly payment amount.

Although a subprime mortgage can be a valuable tool in helping secure a home loan, many borrowers shy away from them due to recent negative press. Specifically, in Arizona, many politicians have gone as far as to label subprime mortgages as predatory lending practices. They claim that subprime loans are designed to charge high interest rates for people who cannot afford them.  Proponents of subprime mortgage Arizona programs claim that subprime loans allow individuals access into the home marker who would otherwise be shut out due to credit history.

Despite claims by politicians and loan reform groups, there is little evidence that subprime lending is a predatory practice. Subprime lending is one of the only ways some individuals have access to the home market due to a bad credit score. Knowing the options available and working with a mortgage broker can help you decide if a subprime loan is a sound financial decision for you.
A mortgage broker can help you find the right loan for you, even if you have bad credit.
If your credit score is less than 640, you will most likely be denied by large banks. But don’t lose hope. A broker can help you find a loan that you can qualify for and start you on the path to homeownership. Making on time payments can help re-build your credit so that you can have an easier time securing loans in the future.

Dennis Dahlberg
Level 4 Funding LLC
Tel:  (623) 582-4444 | Fax: (888) 279-6917

NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
23335 N 18th Drive Suite 120
Phoenix AZ 85027

Types of Bad Credit Mortgage Arizona: Hard Money Lending

There are a variety of circumstances that can lead to a low credit score. Learn how you can get a bad credit mortgage Arizona and qualify for a home loan, even if your credit is less than perfect.

Bad credit can make you feel like a failure. Many Americans who have bad credit report feeling alone, miserable, and almost hopeless. There is a false picture of a person with bad credit that paints him as irresponsible, reckless, and even as a thief. This could not be further from the truth. There are a variety of factors that can lead to a lower credit score. Job loss, divorce, a sudden change in income, or even an old credit card you forgot about can cause your credit score to suffer. Recent statistics released from FICO Inc. show that 25% of the 170 million Americans with active credit accounts have a FICO score of less than 600. This is considered a low credit score and if you have a low score, you can have trouble getting credit cards, car loans, and even store credit accounts.

If you are one of the 42.5 million Americans with a low credit score, you probably assume that homeownership is beyond your reach. However, with new bad credit mortgage Arizona programs as well as federal programs, borrowers can qualify with low FICO scores.

As with any mortgage it is important to analyze the risks and benefits of a low credit mortgage. Once you have decided to stop letting your FICO score hold you back, it is important to know your options. Most likely you will not qualify for a bad credit mortgage through a bank, so it is important to find a reputable mortgage broker. A broker has more flexibility in terms of types of loans that can be offered so you are more likely to qualify via a broker than a bank.

There are many types of bad credit mortgages that are offered in Arizona. Many people know about adjustable rate mortgages and FHA loans that are designed for long term homeownership. However, there is a less well known bad credit mortgage Arizona called a hard money loan. Rather than the goal being long term homeownership, a hard money loan is designed to be an investment strategy to help borrowers with bad credit make smart real estate investments and turn large profits.

What is a Hard Money Loan?

For many people with bad credit, they assume that real estate investing is out of their reach because a bank will not lend them money for a mortgage. A hard money loan is a type of loan that is designed specifically for real estate investments. It is secured by a mortgage broker but backed by an investor or group of investors instead of a bank. The loan is for a short period of time, usually a few months to about 4 years. The goal of the loan is a true investment, for everyone involved to make money.
In order to secure a hard money loan, you need to work with a mortgage broker. You would determine a property that you wish to purchase that is a sound investment. Typically these are fix and flip type houses that can build equity quickly. Once you have a property in mind, your broker will connect with a hard money investor or investment team. The investors will examine the merit of the property and the money making potential. They will use this information to determine whether or not they want to invest their capital.

Since a hard money loan is backed by investors, they are more likely to give loans to individuals with bad credit. Instead of only looking at numbers, the investors look at the potential for the property to make money and don’t focus solely on the credit score of the borrower. Once the borrower has renovated the property and sells it, the investors make back their money plus a certain amount of interest. The borrower also makes money on the investment so it is a win/win situation.

If a hard money loan sounds like a good investment for you, talk with a mortgage broker.
A hard money loan is a special type of bad credit mortgage Arizona in that it allows individuals with bad credit to make real estate investments. These investments can have high returns and have great money making potential. If you have bad credit but want to invest in real estate, a hard money loan might be a good option for you. Talk with a mortgage broker today to help you secure your first loan.

Dennis Dahlberg
Level 4 Funding LLC
Tel:  (623) 582-4444 | Fax: (888) 279-6917
NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
23335 N 18th Drive Suite 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Home Values Are Going Up BUT NOT TOO FAST!

Where is the Real Estate Market Trending or Heading? 

Ok.. were back. Values are sky rocketing and prices are increase at a trend rate that is almost straight up!
The (Im going to get technical here with math) slope of the trend graph for some of the major metro area like Tampa, Los Angles, San Diego and Phoenix is very large number. This growth straight up! Get ready, for lotteries, lines and no homes. Of course you must have been sleeping if you are in the industry have not seen this yet
To look forward, we must look at where we were in the past. See the following graph.  (For a high resolution PDF version click here.)

It appears from the graph of Phoenix House Values below, that the real estate market in the Phoenix area is heading up.   Is it time to buy real estate again?  How long will it take to come back to normal?  Should I get out of the market and wait?  These are hard questions to answer but here are Big Daddy Dennis’s predictions and recommendations:
ü  Home values will not return to the trend line for another 1-2 years. Latest trend shows Phoenix back to the highs starting July 2015!
ü  The upturn in values are due to LACK OF INVENTORY AND RECORD LOW INTEREST RATES.
ü  Keep your home if possible.  Do whatever it takes to keep the current home. 
ü  Do a loan modification?  Its possible but there are very few who are successful. 
ü  If you ‘bail out’ and let the bank foreclose, you will not be able to purchase a home for 5-7 years, maybe even never again!
ü  Inflation will come back and the value of the dollar will drop dramatically.  (This could change if the USA will cut spending and raise taxes, cut medical/social security, and increase the tax rate by 45%. I don't think this will happen.)
ü  The amount of debt in the USA will continue to grow. The amount is very frightening to view it click here.
ü  In 5-7 years, it will cost $10 to buy a loaf of bread.  Gasoline will cost $25/gallon. And the average starter home price will be $600,000.
ü  Get out of debt; get rid of the credit cards and pay them off.  Purchase only if you have the cash.  Do not get into any debt.  (I sound like your mother here, but she was correct.)
ü  Start a side business.  It’s too difficult to explain here why, but the best reason is the potential tax advantage and the possible income.  Your own side business is the LAST area the government has yet to attack.  Make it simple and get going.  An extra $400 per month really helps.
ü  If you are able, purchase quality single family homes in a good area and turn them into rental units. (Your side business?)

I’ve talked to a lot of people who feel that they can ‘let their home go and rent for awhile’.  Rental rates are lower than their mortgage rates. Yes, they are!  We can save a lot of money by renting vs. paying the mortgage, and in 2 years we can purchase again and have a good down payment.’  Well, it’s actually going to be 5-7 years before your credit report looks good to purchase a home again.  And can you really save the money?  Most people will spend the money on toys.  If hyper inflation hits, like some economist predict, then you’ll be priced out of the market. Do you want to take the chance?  Keep your home, do a HARP 2 loan modification, and hang on – the next 5-7 years are going to be enjoyable.

With low inventory and too many buyers, the Phoenix Real Estate Market is on the verge of a new boom in real estate values.

With low inventory and too many buyers the Phoenix Real Estate Market is on the verge of a new boom in real estate values.
'This boom is going to be different,' according to Dennis Dahlberg, Level 4 Funding   Hard Money Lender . 'The last boom was fueled on greed of the consumer; this time it's going to be a supply problem. Over the past 6 years there was little construction or movement of dirt, leaving the Phoenix housing market starving for new homes. Additionally, home values are raising dramatically, and once the current home owners get above water (have equity) they are going to want to move up. We're going to have a trifecta or the perfect storm-no homes, pent-up demand, and record low interest rates. And if you throw a little inflation on top of the mix -- watch out! Bam! its going to be a wild ride -- a wild west ride!
Dennis Dahlberg
Level 4 Funding LLC
Tel:  (623) 582-4444 | Fax: (888) 279-6917
NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
23335 N 18th Drive Suite 120
Phoenix AZ 85027

Monday, February 2, 2015

Using Adjustable Rate Mortgages and Other Subprime Loans to Your Advantage

Having bad credit can make it almost impossible to get a home loan but there are lenders that offer programs for a bad credit mortgage Arizona. There are different options available to help subprime borrowers that can also be taken advantage of by borrowers with good credit.

Close to 42 million Americans have bad credit, which is approximately one quarter of all individuals with active credit accounts. This is defined as a score of less than 640 and can make it difficult to qualify for a car loan, home loan, credit cards, and even store accounts. For many individuals with bad credit, buying a home seems impossible. However, many mortgage brokers offer bad credit mortgage Arizona programs to help Arizona residents qualify for home loans.

One type of loan that is available for people with bad credit is an adjustable rate mortgage or ARM. An ARM is offered to subprime borrowers who would not qualify for a traditional loan. It offers a low interest rate at first but then resets to a high interest rate after a specified period, usually 1 to 7 years. Once the rate adjusts your mortgage payment will increase due to the higher interest rate. This can be a good option if you only plan on owning the property short term or if you know you will be able to qualify to refinance your loan at the end of your low rate period. Although an ARM is a type of bad credit mortgage Arizona, it can also be beneficial for borrowers with good credit.

A second type of loan is a type of FHA loan. An FHA loan is backed by the government and will allow you to borrow about 96.5% of the value of the home you are purchasing. This means that you won’t have to come up with a large chunk for a down payment. In addition, the government backing means that you will be more likely to qualify, even with less than stellar credit. You will pay monthly insurance on your loan. In addition to you principle and interest payments, you will also pay a PMI insurance payment. This will increase the amount of your monthly mortgage payments until you pay off 20% of the loan amount. You can also couple FHA loans with different federal programs that offer down payment assistance or cash back at closing like Home in 5. These programs are constantly evolving and changing, so make sure to talk with a mortgage broker about what you may qualify for.
 A third type of bad credit mortgage Arizona that is available is a hard money loan. A hard money loan is secured through a mortgage broker but is backed by investors instead of a bank. This is especially beneficial for people looking to do a fix and flip or short term purchase. Depending on the merit of the property you are purchasing as well as potential for income, investors will often invest capital, even if your credit score is lower than what is ideal. It should be noted that hard money loans are short term loans only. They cannot be used to purchase a home you plan to live in for any significant amount of time. These are designed primarily for real estate investors.

For some borrowers, a bad credit mortgage Arizona  is the only option they have to purchase a home. However, some of these bad credit loans can benefit traditional borrowers as well. Specifically, an adjustable rate mortgage. An ARM can save you thousands of dollars in interest over the life of your loan and makes sense in certain lending situations. Here are five situations that could benefit from an adjustable rate mortgage:

1.       You plan to sell your home prior to the rate raise. If you only plan on living in your home for a short period of time, an adjustable rate can save you money. If you sell before the rate raises you will never have to pay the higher interest rate.

2.       You have bad credit, but you are working on it. An ARM is a fantastic option to help rebuild your credit score. If you know you will be able to qualify to refinance before the rate adjusts, it is a good way to get into a home and start rebuilding your credit score.

3.       You expect a windfall. You know you will be able to pay the home off early due to an inheritance. Then the ARM can save you interest while you wait to pay off the home.

4.       You expect your income to increase. If the loan resets, you will be able to pay the higher interest payments because you will be earning more money.

5.       You plan to fix up the home and sell it for a profit. If you are not planning a long term investment, an ARM can save you money while you are renovating.

Talk with a mortgage broker to determine if an ARM or other bad credit loan is right for you.
Whether you need to rebuild your credit or are in a situation where you could benefit by taking advantage of a bad credit loan, a mortgage broker can help you determine the right product for you.

Dennis Dahlberg
Level 4 Funding LLC
Tel:  (623) 582-4444 | Fax: (888) 279-6917
NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
23335 N 18th Drive Suite 120
Phoenix AZ 85027

Stated Income Mortgage in Arizona

A stated income mortgage can be a helpful tool in qualifying for a mortgage if you are self-employed or have income that is difficult to verify. Learn what a stated income mortgage is and see if one is a good fit for your home loan needs.

In a traditional mortgage qualification process, the borrower is asked to provide a variety of documentation. Key among these documents are income verification documents. These include W-2s, tax returns for two years, pay stubs, and bank statements. Any additional deposits into a bank account that cannot be verified by paystubs must also be accounted for. Basically the financial assets of the borrower are gone over with a fine tooth comb. This system works well for people who hold traditional jobs with stable income. However, for borrowers who are self-employed, investors, or have a different non-traditional income situation, income verification can be almost impossible.
For borrowers who are unable to furnish proof of income, earn money in a non-traditional way, or who may have a higher than permissible debt to income ratio, a Arizona stated income mortgage can be a solution. A stated income mortgage is a home loan where the lender does not verify the borrower’s income via W-2’s or tax returns. The borrower is asked to state their income and then taken at their word.

Stated income mortgages have been given a bit of a bad reputation because they are easy to use to commit fraud. One less than flattering nickname for the loans is “liar’s loans.” This nickname came about because a study of IRS tax records found that in nearly 60% of all stated income mortgages the borrower actually made less than he/she declared as income to obtain the loan. Some politicians are trying to limit access to stated income loans based on the assertion that they could be used for fraudulent purposes.

When Does a Stated Income Mortgage Make Sense?

Despite its less than flattering nickname and somewhat checkered past, there are certain situations when a stated income mortgage is the best home loan option. For many borrowers this type of home loan is the only loan that will give them the capital they need to buy the home they can afford. There are a few situations where a stated income mortgage makes sense.

The first case in which a stated income mortgage is a smart choice is self-employment. This is actually the income situation that the mortgage type was designed for. For many small business owners, independent contractors, consultants, and other self-employed business people, it can be difficult to furnish proof of income to the bank’s satisfaction. Income sources may be considered unstable or there may simply not be a traditional W-2 or pay stub that can be provided. A stated income mortgage allows the business owner to state his/her income and qualify for a mortgage based on that statement.

Another case in which a stated income mortgage is a good option, is for someone who makes his or her living from investments. Take a real estate investor who owns multiple properties all with loans. Even if this investor makes $100,000 a year in disposable income and has the mortgage on each property covered by rent, his/her debt to income ratio might be too high on paper to be given an additional home loan. A stated income mortgage accounts for the actual disposable income this individual has to spend each month, rather than just what the financial situation looks like on paper.
A third situation that would benefit from a Arizona stated income mortgage would be in the case of a freelancer or consultant. People who are employed in these fields generally tend to work for more than one company. Their work is also often seasonal or may vary from month to month. During the mortgage qualification process, banks look at 2 months of pay stubs. If it is a slow month, the amount of pay may not reflect the actual amount that borrower earned and therefore he/she may not qualify for a high enough amount, if at all. In addition, banks require that a borrower works for a company for a year or more before that income source is considered valid. A freelancer or consultant often works for many different companies but only one or two on a permanent basis. Therefore the actual income of the borrower could be $200,000 but only $50,000 is counted as income by the bank. A stated income mortgage allows the borrower to use their actual income amount to qualify for a mortgage.

Most traditional banks do not offer Arizona stated income mortgages as they are considered higher risk loans. Brokerage firms and smaller banks often have programs that will work with borrowers who need a stated income mortgage.

Level 4 Funding LLC
Dennis Dahlberg, Broker/RI/CEO
NMLS 1058389 AZMB 0923961
23335 N 18th Drive Suite 120
Phoenix AZ 85027

Monday, November 17, 2014

What is Trust Deed Investing aka Investing in Deeds of Trust

Are you Investing in Deeds of Trust? 

Hello, Dennis here, have you ever considered investing in Deeds of Trust or Trust Deeds. And what exactly is a Trust Deed investment? Well, let me explain. 

Today there are many ways in which you can invest your money, such as the stock market, bonds, or even depositing the money into a bank. It's time to add one more to that list: Investing in Deeds of Trust.

This is a great investment for you - when you invest in Deeds of Trust, you become the bank. 

Investing in deeds of trust means that you are loaning your money directly to a borrower who is then purchasing real estate and giving you a Deed of Trust as security for the loan. 

You will receive payments from the borrower monthly, and at a very high interest rate; these rates vary from 10 to 29% for 6 to 24 months with very good loan to value ratios, typically 70% or less. 

Also, your money is secured by the real estate. 

This means that if the borrower fails to make good on the terms of the loan, you, as the lender, take back the real estate. You are then free to sell the home to recover your investment, past due interest, and fees. 

This is much more secure in comparison to stocks, whose value can rapidly decrease or simply vanish if the company goes out of business. When that happens you lose your investment and you are not able to recover it.

When compared to the bank, you are getting a higher rate of return on your investment, typically 10 to 29%. You can even drive by and look at the home in which you wish to invest. Next time you give your money to the bank for little or no interest, ask them if you can see where your money went. 

Trust Deed investments offer security on your money, a high rate of return, and best of all, it's backed up by the property.

If you are looking to invest in deeds of trust, see us at http://www.setabayloan.com or give us a call at six two three five eight two four four four four.

23335 N 18th Drive Suite 120
Phoenix AZ 85027

Monday, October 20, 2014

Family Carnival for Safe Families for Children and Collective Hope

Orphan Care Carnival Benefiting Safe Families for Children and Collective 

Discovery Pointe Orphan Care Carnival
Saturday, October 25th at 4:00-6:30pm

 Click for Map and Directions
Discovery Pointe Church

Silent Auction, Carnival Games and Dinner

All proceeds will benefit Safe Families Ministry, Collective Hope Ministry and local orphan care efforts within our own community.

Since 2005, Safe Families for Children has offered sanctuary to thousands of children, minimizing the risk for abuse or neglect and giving parents the time and tools they need to help their families thrive. The ultimate goal is to strengthen and support parents so they can become Safe Families for their own children.  For More Information about Safe Families Ministry.

Our Vision:

To keep hope alive by serving the orphaned and marginalized children of Nepal.

Our Mission:
Our mission has two components:

1.  Through the establishment of a Collective Hope Home.  This would mean that Collective Hope would establish a home for orphaned and abandoned children in the Kathmandu area.  The purpose would be to provide a loving and safe environment for children as well as meeting the physical, emotional, spiritual and educational needs of the children.

2.  Through a system of Foster Care.  This would mean that Collective Hope would serve and support family members of children who have been orphaned or find themselves in a marginalized situation.  Collective Hope would come along side a family member of the child to assist them in caring for the child.

Supported by

23335 N 18th Drive Suite 120
Phoenix AZ 85027

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

What is a Sub Prime or Bad Credit Mortgage?

Sub Prime Mortgages are back (they really never went away).  But what is a Sub Prime Mortgage?

It’s a home mortgage loan for borrowers who have a credit issue giving them a low credit score.  Typically a credit score below 550.  Bad credit sub prime mortgages are easier to qualify, since the lender is focusing more on the asset value and loan to value rations.  They lenders are more flexible in the lending criteria. 

Bad credit mortgage loans have higher interest rates and higher down payments than regular mortgage loans. Typical rates as of today start at 8% with a 30% down payment. 

If mortgage is for an owner occupied home, then the lender will have to determine if the borrower can afford the payment on the loan.  This is called Debt to Income Ratio, or DTI.  The ratios are typically 35/50%.

In the mortgage world, there is a loan for everyone.
It just depends on down payment and interest rate.

However there are some items that will stop a deal dead in its tracks, even for a Bad Credit Mortgage.  Typically the lender will not loan if the borrower has outstanding judgments, IRS Tax Liens, or is involved in a law suit or criminal charges.

Most people prefer to use a bad credit mortgage loan simply to get into a home and help rebuild credit.

Bad credit (or sub prime) mortgage loans are specialized mortgage loans designed for borrowers with credit issues. Bad credit mortgage tend to have higher interest rates and higher down payment requirements than regular mortgage loans. The higher interest rates mean that bad credit mortgage loans also tend to have higher monthly payments than regular mortgage loans.

Level 4 Funding LLC
23335 N 18th Drive Suite 120
Phoenix AZ 85027

Arizona Mortgage Loan Originator - Making A Lot of Money

Level 4 Funding LLC specializes in the Sub Prime and Private Money Lending Environment. 

You will:
Obtain and analyze customer financial and credit data.
Manage your personal loan pipeline.
Serve as the primary liaison with bowers and outside entities (realtors, title and escrow officers, etc.) and other company employees to facilitate a prompt and efficient loan closing
Negotiate terms and conditions of loan programs with borrowers.
And you will make a lot of money.

What we provide for you:
Percentage  1.5% of each deal.
In house leads. We are number #1 on Google.

Employee Benefits:
Sorry no benefits, you just make a lot of money.
You will have an office, but you can work independently away from the office.

Required Skills and Qualifications:
Must be licensed as a Mortgage Loan Originator (MLO) in Arizona
Must be able to close the deal.
Prior Loan Origination Experience

About Us:
Level 4 Funding is a Mortgage Broker Company with an array of in house investors and wholesale lenders.  We are in a niche market specializing in Sub Prime loans and Private Hard Money Loans.  FHA/VA – Sorry we don’t do them-- go work for Quicken.

We use:
Point Central, Caylix.

Level 4 Funding LLC
23335 N 18th Drive Suite 120
Phoenix AZ 85027

Friday, August 22, 2014

Using Hard Money to Purchase Your Fix and Flip

Is Arizona Hard Money Right For Me?

Sometimes people get confused about Arizona hard money, but it shouldn't be so difficult because Arizona hard money can provide the short-term money that individuals need to fix up or purchase a piece of property.

Arizona hard money can come in two forms; hard money lender Arizona and private money lender Arizona.

Hard money lender Arizona refers to a group of people who do not use conventional standards to loan money to borrowers and by that it is meant that hard money lender Arizona is not affiliated with banks. The loans hard money lender Arizona gives out are non-traditional loans, which makes them easier to obtain.

Private money lender Arizona is an individual who wishes to give out non-traditional loans. This private money lender Arizona could be someone that you know or it could just be an investor that you’ve met with who wants to join you on your real estate adventure.

Whichever way you choose, Arizona hard money ensures that investments happen relatively quickly. Arizona hard money is a loan solution that is short-term and over quickly, so higher interest doesn’t really matter. The credit history of a borrower doesn't make a difference because the Arizona hard money loan comes from a non-traditional loaner interested less in the credit and more in the property.

If you are looking for a quick loan for the property you have wanted for quite some time now, it could serve you well to begin looking into Arizona hard money for the loan that you want and need. Instead of dealing with confusing banking rules, get together with a private money lender Arizona or a hard money lender Arizona group and begin to plan out the remodeling of your brand new property. 

You will be glad that you chose Arizona hard money lender.

Dennis Dahlberg
Level 4 Funding LLC
Tel:  (623) 582-4444 | Fax: (888) 279-6917

NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
23335 N 18th Drive Suite 120
Phoenix AZ 85027

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

What is hard money? Benefits of a Hard Money Loan.

What kind of Arizona Hard Money do I want?

There are two different kinds of Arizona hard money that is available to you. Both are exceptionally similar, but they each have different benefits to the borrower. The two types of Arizona hard money are Hard money lender Arizona and private money lender Arizona. It is easy to get confused by the two, they are both practical kinds of loans, but the following will explain how they are different.

It shouldn't surprise you to find out that hard money lender Arizona and private money lender Arizona are both based on assets and have more to do with the real estate you want to invest in than with your credit score. These are both also loans that are not bank affiliated, so they are easier to obtain than your traditional bank loan.

However, hard money lender Arizona and private money lender Arizona do have some differences. 

For example, hard money lender Arizona happens to be a group of people, while private money lender Arizona is just one individual who gives out the loan. Typically, with a private money lender Arizona, you know the person loaning you money, but that isn't always the case with the group of investors in a hard money lender Arizona.

Both loans have quick turnaround despite their higher interest rate, but because of this quick turnaround, the interest rate makes little to no difference. The loans are also more flexible than your traditional bank loans, especially when you use a private money lender Arizona.

Consider these types of loans as you decide on rehabbing a property. It could make all the difference to your project and stress you out far less in the interim. Consider the flexible and safe Arizona hard money loans. Whether you go private money lender Arizona or hard money lender Arizona, you will be happy with the outcome.

Dennis Dahlberg
Level 4 Funding LLC
Tel:  (623) 582-4444 | Fax: (888) 279-6917

NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
23335 N 18th Drive Suite 120
Phoenix AZ 85027

Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Benefits of an Arizona Hard Money Loan

Why Do I Want Arizona Hard Money?

Hard money lender Arizona and private money lender Arizona are similar, that’s true, but they are also different and sometimes people tend to confuse one with the other because investors sometimes use the terms interchangeably when they really shouldn't
While both hard money lender Arizona and private money lender Arizona are asset based loans that have more to do with real estate than the financial stability of the borrower, they are both also from non-traditional lenders, that is to say, they are nontraditional loans that are not given out by a bank.

So how are they so different? Well, for one, hard money lender Arizona happens to be a group of people, not just one individual as with private money lender Arizona, but these lenders are all licensed to loan money. It’s just a matter of what kind of lender you want.

However, Private money lender Arizona is just that, private. The private money lender Arizona could be absolutely anyone from family to a friend to your business associate or maybe even just a professional whom you were referred to. How you are funded is agreed to by terms set by the private money lender Arizona and nobody else. That makes the loan easier to obtain than say, a traditional bank loan. However, interest can be higher. However, since these kind of Arizona hard money loans are usually a quick turnaround, you don’t normally need to worry about that.

For this reason, private money lender Arizona can be more flexible than hard money lender Arizona as you typically know the person lending to you and you deal with them directly.

That being said, a lot of hard money lenders Arizona do get their funding from private resources, which is why the interest rate is often higher. Hard money lenders Arizona are also much easier to find. So go out and try to find it!

Dennis Dahlberg
Level 4 Funding LLC
Tel:  (623) 582-4444 | Fax: (888) 279-6917
NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
23335 N 18th Drive Suite 120
Phoenix AZ 85027

Friday, August 15, 2014

Do you need a Private Money Loan for your rehabbing project?

Are you ready for Private Money Lender Arizona?

Private money lender Arizona is among one of the best ways to fund your new rehabbing project in the real estate world, however some people are afraid of Arizona hard money. It can be a new term for people and it can seem intimidating, but we are here to reassure you that it can be the best thing that you do for yourself and your property.

For one thing, a private money lender in Phoenix Arizona isn't bank-related by any means. Private money lender Arizona allows you to borrow money from one person who believes in the real estate project you are doing. Meanwhile, a hard money lender Arizona is a group who will loan you the money you need for your real estate investment, much in the same way. It really is that simple so there’s no need to fret. Just choose whether you want a hard money lender Arizona group or the individual private money lender Arizona. Both will give you the tools and guidance to your property success. It just depends on what works best for you.

There isn't any need to stress about obtaining the money you need to be successful. Private money lender Arizona and hard money lender Arizona really want to help you succeed. While the interest rate can be higher, you must also remember that so is the amount of Arizona hard money a person can receive. So in the end, it does all even out. Moreover, the loan turnaround is so fast that the higher interest rate really isn't ever a big deal.

Don’t think twice about what kind of 

hard money loan you should get. 

Skip the traditional route and consider Arizona hard money for your next real estate investment. There won’t be any aggravation, no hassle, and your property will get the very best treatment it deserves. Look into Arizona hard money today.

Dennis Dahlberg
Level 4 Funding LLC
Tel:  (623) 582-4444 | Fax: (888) 279-6917
NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
23335 N 18th Drive Suite 120
Phoenix AZ 85027

Thursday, August 14, 2014

What is a Arizona hard money loan?

If you are looking into private financing but you’re confused about what Arizona hard money means then you have come to the right place. You might say that the easiest way to explain what a hard money lender Arizona or a private money lender Arizona is would be that they are both people who have access to money that’s easier to get to than applying for a bank loan. Their money is then used almost exclusively for real estate. However, hard money lender Arizona is usually a group of people while private money lender Arizona is just one person. Arizona hard money can be a great option for someone who doesn't want a bank loan because usually, you don’t have the loan long enough for the high interest to make a very big impact. Hard money Arizona is almost always a short-term loan.

There are  three main reasons why Arizona hard money is termed Arizona hard money and none of them have to deal with difficultly in obtaining the loan because in fact, an Arizona hard money loan isn't difficult to obtain. Instead, it’s called Arizona hard money for these reasons:

  1. Higher interest rates, but you have a fast turnaround time.
  2. Arizona hard money lenders determine what a property is worth in its best condition, but under some circumstances, will finance up to one hundred percent.
  3. Hard money lender Arizona gives money based on the value of the property but include repair costs into the loan. This is very unlike most traditional lenders who do not include the repair costs into the loan. Consider this is a great option for those who are planning on rehabbing the property.

Think of all of these great benefits as you consider Arizona hard money for your next rehab project.

Dennis Dahlberg
Level 4 Funding LLC
Tel:  (623) 582-4444 | Fax: (888) 279-6917

NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
23335 N 18th Drive Suite 120
Phoenix AZ 85027