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Monday, May 5, 2014

Are You a Candidate for USDA Home Loans Arizona?

Arizona Home Loan
Arizona Mortgage Broker Home Loan

Do you think you’re the perfect candidate for USDA Home Loans Arizona? Let’s take a look to find out!

If you have been wondering about USDA Home Loans Arizona, now is the perfect chance to take a better look and find out if this is the right way to go for you. For one, you have to be eligible. Eligibility is a case-by-case basis, but there are some ways to figure out faster if you do qualify for USDA Home Loans Arizona.
For one, you have to look at your overall income because there is a maximum income requirement that goes by family size. However, it should be noted that adjustments are made for those with disabilities.
Credit Score Card
Arizona Mortgage Broker
The second thing to think about is going to be your credit score. Unlike a traditional bank loan, USDA Home Loans Arizona do not require you to have a perfect credit score. While that is refreshing, it should be noted that USDA Home Loans Arizona do require you to have enough credit, but it by no means has to be good credit. So that is the difference.

There’s no down payment required either when it comes to USDA Home Loans Arizona, which is great for someone who can’t handle the conventional mortgage because of that. The loan can even cover closing costs if need be, which is enough to make anyone feel happy. An USDA Home Loan Arizona can be accommodating for those who need it. These USDA Home Loans Arizona can help boost families in need as well as help their credit score in the long wrong. Think about USDA Home Loans Arizona instead of a traditional home loan as you look for your new home or relocate your home to a new area. You will be so happy you made the change.

Arizona Mortgage Broker
Trust Deed Investing, Arizona Mortgage Broker
Dennis Dahlberg
Level 4 Funding LLC
Tel:  (623) 582-4444 | Fax: (888) 279-6917
NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
23335 N 18th Drive Suite 120
Phoenix AZ 85027

Do You Need an USDA Home Loan?

FHA and USDA Home Loan
Arizona Home Loan FHA USDA Specialists
Wondering what you need to do to get your life back on track? Things were hard during the collapse of the economy and definitely we all understand that. Well, maybe everybody except the banks. That’s why there’s USDA Home Loans Arizona to the rescue.
If you tried to get a traditional loan and failed, you may be thinking about your other options. Banks are tough cookies but you may have heard about USDA Home Loans Arizona and we want to tell you a little bit more about them so you get a better understanding of what you can do with your options.
For one, the requirements are relatively simple for USDA Home Loans Arizona. There’s no need to jump through hoops because everything is very cut and dry.
Arizona Home Loan
Arizona Mortgage Broker Home Loan
The term ‘rural’ is often used when describing USDA Home Loans Arizona and while this is important to note, the term ‘rural’ is now also defined in such a way that many people can benefit from USDA Home Loans Arizona.
Moreover, don’t worry about your credit score when it comes to finding USDA Home Loans Arizona for your family. You can have low credit or bad credit and you may still qualify for your USDA Home Loan Arizona. You must also be over eighteen and a citizen or legal alien of the United States.
When times are tough, you don’t have to think that this is it. There are ways around it and ways to make a difference in your life and applying for USDA Home Loans Arizona is one of them. Take heart that the traditional bank loan might not work for you, but an USDA Home Loan Arizona just might be the ticket you are looking for to a better life for you and your family.
Arizona Mortgage Broker
Arizona Mortgage Broker Team, investing in trust deeds Arizona
Dennis Dahlberg
Level 4 Funding LLC
Tel:  (623) 582-4444 | Fax: (888) 279-6917
NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
23335 N 18th Drive Suite 120

Are You New to USDA Home Loans Arizona?

Arizona Mortgage Broker
Arizona Mortgage Broker Team, investing in trust deeds Arizona
We all know that the economy made a lot of people unhappy. It trickled down from the very top to the very bottom and a lot of families went through hardships they had no control over whatsoever. These families felt like they had nowhere to turn, but there is a way out of the situation. Families can look into USDA Home Loans Arizona because they might be just the thing to get your family back on track during these hard times.
Are you new to the idea of USDA Home Loans Arizona? Let us give you a quick rundown of the things you need to know and what you should expect when you apply for the USDA Home Loan Arizona that can help you turn your life around.

The original intention for an USDA Home Loans Arizona was the rural families would be the only ones to use it. While that’s true, the definition of ‘rural’ has some variations that could work in your favor, so don’t put off the USDA Home Loan Arizona right away. It could still apply to you.

Moreover, think about how your income varies. You need to have at least some income in order to be eligible for an USDA Home Loan Arizona but you don’t have to fit any kind of traditional requirements. For example, having a good credit score is not something you need to worry about when applying for USDA Home Loans Arizona.

You can get back on track with USDA Home Loans Arizona.

Don’t put it off. Think about the kind of life you want to live and how an USDA Home Loan Arizona can help you live it. Put the traditional loan requirements out of your head and think about some alternative routes to make your life a little bit easier. 
Arizona Home Loan
Loan Officer Level 4 Funding
Dennis Dahlberg
Level 4 Funding LLC
Tel:  (623) 582-4444 | Fax: (888) 279-6917
NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
23335 N 18th Drive Suite 120
Phoenix AZ 85027

Get Back on Track with USDA Home Loans Arizona

Mortgage Broker Arizona
Mans Best Friend The Arizona Mortgage Broker
When the economy took a nosedive, did it take you with it? That was a common theme for recent families who now want to relocate but don’t have the funding. We can help you! USDA Home Loans Arizona might be just what you need to get your life back on track, this assuming you meet the requirements. Let’s take a look to see what some of them are.

For one, you have to be rural, but know that the term ‘rural’ is often defined loosely for an USDA Home Loan Arizona meaning that you can be accommodated even if you don’t fit that traditional point.

A second requirement is that you must have an income. The amount needed varies by state and family size and adjustments are often made for disabilities and other factors, but the fact still remains that an income is necessary.
A third requirement is that you must be at least 18 years of age and a US citizen or qualified alien. Additionally, what’s great about the USDA Home Loan Arizona is that unlike your traditional mortgages, there is no down payment required.
Arizona Home Loan
Arizona Home Loan
With these facts in hand, you should be ready to embrace USDA Home Loans Arizona. This could very well be a wonderful thing that happens for you and your family and allows you to get on with the kind of life you had before the economy went bad. You can even still qualify if you have low credit or bad credit, so there’s no reason to shy away from applying for an USDA Home Loan Arizona. The time could be now to start your life over! Look into an USDA Home Loan Arizona and begin to apply for the loan that could fix your problems and get you the house you want sooner than you ever thought possible.

Get Back on Track with USDA Home Loans Arizona

Arizona Mortgage Broker
Arizona Home Loan
Dennis Dahlberg
Level 4 Funding LLC
Tel:  (623) 582-4444 | Fax: (888) 279-6917
NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
23335 N 18th Drive Suite 120
Phoenix AZ 85027

How do you Fix Your Credit Score? Get your Arizona Home Loan.

How do you Fix Your Credit Score?Get your Arizona Home Loan.

Arizona Home Loan
Arizona Mortgage Broker Arizona Home Loan
You want that Arizona Home Loan to purchase our dream home but your credit score is low. Your credit score is an indication of what the industry calls your willingness and ability to pay debt.  It’s a probability ranking score on the possibility of you defaulting on an Arizona Home Loan payment obligation in the next 90 days.  Some people like to think of it as a credit score grade on your payment performance.  The lender will look at your overall grade and see if you are willing and able to pay the debt.  If you have a failing credit grade (an F), then the lender will assume that you are going to fail again and not pay them back.  It’s an overall Grade Point Average on how you passed or failed on prior loan obligations.  If you got an F on an Arizona Home Loan in the past your Grade Point Average is going to go down.  Think of it as when you were in school.  Every year the school would give you a Grade Point Average for the years work.  Some people got a very high Grade Point Average (all A’s) and were the smart kids in school, while others got a few D’s and F’s on their report card and had a lower Grade Point Average for the year.  This school
Credit Score Card
Arizona Mortgage Broker
of credit never ends in your life and you want to have the highest credit score Grade Point Average as possible, and keep it up through your life.   So what do you do to get a high credit score Grade Point Average?  You do the same thing that you did in school.  That is:
1. Take the Test over again and get a better grade.  How do you do this?  You pay back the people you owe money to.  Those items in collection or past due need to be paid off and settled.  The grade on your past due loan is currently an F, but you can make it a C+ if you pay off the debt.
2. Don’t get any more F’s on your work.  This means that you pay the loans back and on time.  You need to take it seriously, and make the payments and don’t be late.  Remember when you turned work in late in school and the teacher deducted points for the work because you were late?  It’s the same in the credit school; don’t be late on your work.  Also, what type of grade were you given when you did not turn in the work at all?  You would get an F.  This is the same with paying loans, when you DON’T PAY then you get an F and your overall credit score Grade Point Average goes way down. Pay your loans on time and full will give you the best Grade Point Average.
3. Don’t take on too may classes.  If you take a safe load of classes, then your work
FHA and USDA Home Loan
Arizona Home Loan FHA USDA Specialists
load is easier and you can probably get an A in every class.  But if you take on too many classes, you will not be able to get all the work done for all the classes.  This is the same in the credit world.  Don’t take on too many loans and keep the balance owed on the loan to around 30% of your available balance.  The lender will look at your loan load (class load) and think are you never going to get the work done?  You have maxed out all of your credit cards and want another one? The more loans you take on (sign up for) the higher the chance that you are going to fail on one of them and possibly the loan you are now trying to get is the one you will fail on.
4. Get that bad score off your report.  Usually the quickest way to get a bad grade off your report is to dispute the score (Whine to the teacher). Tell the credit bureaus that it’s not your grade or that the grader who graded the test was wrong, or that they used the wrong pencil or that they used the wrong answer sheet to grade your work.  If you can get an F off your report card, your overall score and Grade Point Average will go up.  This is usually the first thing you can do to get a better Grade Point Average.  You do this by disputing the items on your credit report for each of the credit bureaus.  If they believe you and you are able to get the score off your credit report your Grade Point Average will go up.  If credit bureaus don’t believe you, then work on step 1-3 above. 
Arizona Home Loan
Arizona Home Loan
The good part about the credit score Grade Point Average is it is an Average.  It’s calculated over time and time is your friend when you calculate the Grade Point Average.  Your overall score is based on the current work and the work you have done in the past, but usually it’s for the last 3-5 years and if you have an F on your credit score report card, it will drop off in a few years. So if you keep your grades up, in a couple of years your credit score Grade Point Average starts to improve and eventually you will have all A’s and you can qualify for the Arizona Home Loan.

So you have bad credit and want an Arizona Home Loan? What are the exact steps?

I recommended that you read the book Credit Bible - Everything You'll Ever Want To Know About Credit by Phil Turner.  This is a detailed book on the steps and mistakes you can do to fix your credit score.

Dennis Dahlberg
Level 4 Funding LLC
Tel:  (623) 582-4444 | Fax: (888) 279-6917
NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
23335 N 18th Drive Suite 120
Phoenix AZ 85027

Didn't Your Mother Ever Tell You NO? You Can’t Have It!

You want that Arizona Home Loan to Purchase your Dream Home, But...

Arizona Mortgage Broker
Arizona Mortgage Broker, Hard Money Loans, Arizona Home Loans, hard money lender Arizona
I've got an interesting job.  All day long I listen to people’s stories as to why their credit score is down in the low 400 ranges and they want an Arizona Home Loan.  They call and I listen to a point.  It’s usually not their fault as to what happened.  They had a loss of job, had to move, got a divorce, company went out of business, house was upside down,  the mortgage company did an illegal foreclosure (whatever this means) and they end up saying ‘it was not my fault that I am now at a 424 FICO’.  I listen and listen and emphasize with them and say as you know it’s not something that you could have avoided.  It’s really not your fault.  However, being in this business for years I’ve come to some striking conclusions; they are:
  1. The credit score is the King when it comes to a loan approval.  If you’re down at 505, the Mortgage Companies, FHA, VA, USDA really don’t care to listen to your story.  It’s a fact on your credit report and it’s not going away.  Even though some lenders will take a hardship letter of explanation for an Arizona Home Loan this usually does not work.  When you get down to the Nitty Gritty, they don’t care and your mom does not work there.
  2. It really was your fault.  You should have had a plan or found a second job, or had sufficient cash reserves to handle the bump in the road.  It’s your fault when you did not pay for the mortgage and the bank foreclosed on you and kicked you out.  When you don’t pay it’s your fault. 
  3. When the borrower is told NO, that they will not qualify for that Arizona Home Loan, this news is not new news for them.  They already know the answer.
You Can’t Have That Arizona Home Loan ! Mom Said No.
People want to focus in on the problem and not the solution.  They will tell you about
Credit Score Card
Arizona Mortgage Broker
problems in the past and how it’s ruined their life and they will talk to anyone who will listen to them.  They want to say the same thing over and over again, ending the story with ‘It’s not my fault’. And mostly they say ‘it’s not fair.  Why can’t I have this new home?  It’s not fair.  But I want it; I want it, why can’t I have it? I want it. It’s not my fault. It’s not fair’.  You get the picture; they go on and on and on.

So what is the solution for this borrower to get the Arizona Home Loan?  

First they need to find the person whose fault it is that put them in this bad situation, track them down and confront that despicable, mean, awful person for putting them in this horribly unfair situation.  They usually can find that person by looking into the mirror.

Second they need to focus on the solution not the problem.  The problem is in the past and you can’t back it up and do a re-do.  I don’t hear a universal backup BEEP BEEP BEEP.  So let’s not linger on the problem, but the solution.  Ask yourself how are you going to solve the problem of a 505 credit score?  When you focus on the solution the problem goes away.

And finally, NO that Arizona Home Loan is not going to happen.  If you don’t believe me ask your mother.

Arizona Home Loan Team
Arizona Home Loan, Mortgage Broker
Dennis Dahlberg
Level 4 Funding LLC
Tel:  (623) 582-4444 | Fax: (888) 279-6917
NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
23335 N 18th Drive Suite 120

Friday, May 2, 2014

Don’t Fret Because You Can Get an Arizona Home Loan!

Arizona Mortgage Broker
Arizona Mortgage Broker
It’s difficult out there for people who don’t have the best credit. But it really doesn’t have to be. If you are looking for an Arizona home loan, there’s a way out that doesn't have to be with a bank handing out soft loans and forcing you to conform to their ways. No, there is a new way that you can get the money you need. Think now about a non-traditional loan. Think now about how you can get a private lender to hand you over an Arizona home loan without worrying about your finances.
  1. Going at the monthly cost bigger man than all website for experience it accordingly BLOGGER
Your hard money lender can provide the financial resources you need to get your property. If you need an Arizona home loan, there’s really only one place to get it that won’t cause you a lot of heartache and stress and that’s with a private money lender. After you can determine what kind of money you need if you have bad credit or your home is being foreclosed on, it is possible to get back on track.

Don’t think about how difficult it can be with a banker because with a hard money lender, it doesn't have to be difficult to get the Arizona home loan that you need.

You can avoid the long way to do something and the hassle of paper work that may never lead to anything with a traditional loan and snag what you really want from your private lender. Take note that there are other ways to do something about your financial problems. You can qualify for a hard money loan even with bad credit. Don’t bother with the soft loans of yesterday when you are looking for an Arizona home loan today. Take advantage of this wealth of information by talking to someone about a private money lender and non-traditional loans.
Arizona Mortgage Broker
Arizona Mortgage Broker, Arizona Home Loan, USDA Home Loan
Dennis Dahlberg
Level 4 Funding LLC

Tel:  (623) 582-4444 | Fax: (888) 279-6917
NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
23335 N 18th Drive Suite 120
Phoenix AZ 85027