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Monday, January 25, 2016

Make Your Dreams Come True With an Arizona Bridge Mortgage

If you dream of buying a new home, but need cash from the sale of your current home for your down payment, you may find that moving is just a dream. However, you can make that dream a reality with an Arizona bridge mortgage to help finance your down payment and move to a new home before your current home sells. 

If your home is on the market, you know that selling a house is stressful. Between keeping it clean and leaving at a moment's notice for showings, you may find that you barely even have time to look for a new home. Moving may seem like a pipe dream. However, with an Arizona bridge mortgage you can start looking for and even move into your new home before your current home sells.

If you qualify for both mortgages but have to use funds from your home sale for your down payment, then an Arizona bridge mortgage may be just what you need to move. A bridge mortgage is a specialized loan that you borrow against your current home, the one on the market. You borrow what you will need for the down payment on a new home. You purchase your new home using your bridge funds. Once your current home sells, you use those funds to pay back your Arizona bridge mortgage. So, basically a bridge mortgage helps bridge the gap between your current home selling and purchasing a new home.

If a bridge mortgage sounds like an ideal way to make your dreams come true, talk to an Arizona private lender about how to go about funding one. A bridge mortgage is a non-traditional loan so you can't get it from a bank. A bridge mortgage is similar to a home equity loan but it can be used for a home that is on the market (usually you can't take out a home equity loan using a home that you are selling as collateral).

When you are choosing a lender for your Arizona bridge mortgage, make sure that you pick a licensed mortgage broker. This will help protect your investment and ensure that the individual funding your loan has experience and knows what he's doing.

Don't let endless showings and waiting on your home to sell delay the purchase of your dream home! Find out about an Arizona bridge mortgage today!

Once you are settled in your new home, your old home will most likely sell more quickly and for top dollar. Don't delay your dreams any longer, find out about a bridge mortgage today!

Dennis Dahlberg Broker/RI/CEO/MLO
Level 4 Funding LLC
Arizona Tel:  (623) 582-4444 

Texas Tel:      (512) 516-1177 
NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
23335 N 18th Drive Suite 120 | Phoenix | AZ | 85027
111 Congress Ave |Austin | Texas | 78701    

 You TubeFace Book  Active Rain  Linked In
About the author: Dennis has been working in the real estate industry in some capacity for the last 40 years. He purchased his first property when he was just 18 years old. He quickly learned about the amazing investment opportunities provided by trust deed investing and hard money loans. His desire to help others make money in real estate investing led him to specialize in alternative funding for real estate investors who may have trouble getting a traditional bank loan. Dennis is passionate about alternative funding sources and sharing his knowledge with others to help make their dreams come true.

Dennis has been married to his wonderful wife for 38 years. They have 2 beautiful daughters 4 amazing grandchildren. Dennis has been an Arizona resident for the past 32 years.

How to Get a Bridge Loan Arizona Financial Experts Trust

According to many experts, you only need a few things to sell your house, a bridge loan, Arizona real estate agent, and a good price. If you are interested in learning more about how to make your home selling dreams come true, a bridge loan might be the right option for you and your family. 

Selling a home while you are still living in it can be a nightmare, especially if you have kids or pets. Keeping the home show worthy, leaving for each showing, and simultaneously looking for a new home to move into is enough to make anyone lose their mind. If you find yourself in this situation, you may think there is no other option. After all, even if you can qualify for two mortgages, most sellers rely on the sale of their current home to finance the down payment on the new home they are purchasing. 

If you need the proceeds from the sale of your current home to use as a down payment on a new home, there is an option that can help you move before you sell. You can get a bridge loan Arizona real estate experts recommend to finance your down payment. 

A bridge loan is exactly what it sounds like, it helps bridge the financial gap between selling your current home and needing a down payment for a new home. With a bridge loan, Arizona families can borrow the down payment for the new home using their home that is up for sale as collateral. Once your home sells you pay back your bridge loan. Usually this time frame is so short that many borrowers don't even end up paying interest on their bridge loan. 

With a bridge loan, Arizona borrowers benefit from being able to sell their home more quickly and with less hassle. A vacant home shows better than one that is filled with clutter and you don't have to worry about scheduling showings. You can be in your new home while your home is still on the market. 

3 Things you Need to Know About A Bridge Loan Arizona Home Sellers Use To Finance A Down Payment

A few things you should know about bridge loans before you apply. Firstly, you have to have fairly good credit and a pretty high income. Not for the bridge loan itself, but you have to be able to qualify for two mortgages because, for a short time, you will own both homes. There are ways around this using ARMs and hard money loans, so talk to your financial professional if you don't meet this criteria. 

Secondly, you need to know that you can't walk into a bank and request a bridge loan. A bridge loan is a specialized type of loan that is usually given by a private money lender. The closest thing a bank has to offer is a home equity loan but most banks won't give out this type of loan on a property that is for sale. Your best bet is to find a company for a bridge loan Arizona financial experts trust like the licensed brokers at Level 4 Funding. 

Finally, bridge loans are short term loans, meaning they have higher interest rates than traditional mortgages. However, talk to your loan officer about a longer grace period. Often, you end up selling your home before your grace period is over and don't even have to make a payment on your bridge loan. 

Once you have decided that a bridge loan Arizona is the right help for you, contact a private money lender to get the process started today!

Call our experts at Level 4 Funding to get your bridge loan financed today. Don't delay your move or make selling your home more stressful than it needs to be. With a bridge loan you can move today!

Dennis Dahlberg Broker/RI/CEO/MLO
Level 4 Funding LLC
Arizona Tel:  (623) 582-4444 

Texas Tel:      (512) 516-1177 
NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
23335 N 18th Drive Suite 120 | Phoenix | AZ | 85027
111 Congress Ave |Austin | Texas | 78701    

 You TubeFace Book  Active Rain  Linked In
About the author: Dennis has been working in the real estate industry in some capacity for the last 40 years. He purchased his first property when he was just 18 years old. He quickly learned about the amazing investment opportunities provided by trust deed investing and hard money loans. His desire to help others make money in real estate investing led him to specialize in alternative funding for real estate investors who may have trouble getting a traditional bank loan. Dennis is passionate about alternative funding sources and sharing his knowledge with others to help make their dreams come true.

Dennis has been married to his wonderful wife for 38 years. They have 2 beautiful daughters 4 amazing grandchildren. Dennis has been an Arizona resident for the past 32 years.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Eager to Move? Here's How an Arizona Bridge Loan Can Help

If you need to move quickly but don't have the cash for a down payment until your current home sells, an Arizona bridge loan may be just what you need to help make your dreams come true. Learn the risks and benefits of a bridge loan to decide if it is the right choice for you. 

If you are trying to sell your home, you know that it can take a while, especially if you are still living in it. Between picky buyers who can't see around your furniture to trying to keep it clean for showings that are often erratic and unproductive, you may feel that you will never be able to sell your current home. Which may be fine, but it probably isn't. Whether you need to move for work or simply to have more space, you may need to get out of your current home quickly.

You may be able to double qualify for two mortgages which would make it possible to move while your current home is still on the market. However, even borrowers who can qualify for two mortgages may find themselves short on their down payment for their new home. Even at only 5%, your down payment can be upwards of $20,000 and most people don't just have that sitting in a savings account. You are most likely relying on the sale of your current home to finance your down payment into your new house.

This is where an Arizona bridge loan comes into play. An Arizona bridge loan is a short term loan
designed to bridge the gap between your current home selling and you needing to move into your new home. You use the bridge loan funds as a down payment on the new home, and when your current home sells you pay back the bridge loan with funds from the sale. This will allow you to move almost immediately and will make it easier to sell your current home.

What You NEED to Know About Your Arizona Bridge Loan

While an Arizona bridge loan is a great way to get cash for a down payment, it is important to be aware of all the terms and conditions of your loan. Typically, bridge loans have a higher interest rate than most long term financing options. However, you can often find grace periods that allow you to skip payments for a month or two. If your home sells during that time you may not even end up making a payment on the loan and will avoid all interest charges. You also have to be able to qualify for two mortgages so most bridge loan borrowers will need to have relatively high incomes and decent credit scores. 

Traditional banks don't have access to Arizona bridge loan funds, so call a private lender today!

If you need to move, don't wait. Contact our bridge loan specialists at Level 4 Funding to get started on the bridge loan process today!

Dennis Dahlberg Broker/RI/CEO/MLO
Level 4 Funding LLC
Arizona Tel:  (623) 582-4444 

Texas Tel:      (512) 516-1177 
NMLS 1057378 | AZMB 0923961 | MLO 1057378
23335 N 18th Drive Suite 120 | Phoenix | AZ | 85027
111 Congress Ave |Austin | Texas | 78701    

 You TubeFace Book  Active Rain  Linked In
About the author: Dennis has been working in the real estate industry in some capacity for the last 40 years. He purchased his first property when he was just 18 years old. He quickly learned about the amazing investment opportunities provided by trust deed investing and hard money loans. His desire to help others make money in real estate investing led him to specialize in alternative funding for real estate investors who may have trouble getting a traditional bank loan. Dennis is passionate about alternative funding sources and sharing his knowledge with others to help make their dreams come true.

Dennis has been married to his wonderful wife for 38 years. They have 2 beautiful daughters 4 amazing grandchildren. Dennis has been an Arizona resident for the past 32 years.

Timeshare Questions Our Timeshare Exit Staff Has Your Answers

staff team of timeshare exit
When It Comes To Timeshare Questions
Our Timeshare Exit Staff Has Your Answers

Here are some raw truths about buying and/or owning a timeshare and these are questions we get asked over and over again. One of the first questions most people want to ask our team about a timeshare exit is this, if I buy timeshare, is it a good investment of my money. And The Truth Of The Matter Is . . .

When You Buy Timeshare
It’s A Terrible Investment

In fact when you buy timeshare, there is not a financial investment there at all. The only investment to be had with owning a timeshare is reaped on the side of the timeshare resort.

On your end of the deal, owning a timeshare is a big and we mean big money pit that you will never get your money back out of!

An investment is something that when you purchase it and do invest your money in, with the passing of time whether it be days, months or years, when you get ready to sell that investment you can get your money back and make a profit.

Now we know that the timeshare industry cried this from the rooftops that timeshare was like owning a second home, a vacation home, and when you got ready to sell the timeshare, you would have people lining up around the block to buy it.

Selling Timeshares
Well just about every timeshare owner has found out the hard way that was absolutely a lie. Because selling timeshares is not easy. The fact is, usually a timeshare cannot be sold. This was a lie that the timeshare industry perpetuated on potential timeshare buyers in their initial timeshare presentation.

Owning A Timeshare Is A Big Money Drain
On Many People And A
Lifelong Financial Commitment.
Yes, we know that the timeshare industry in selling a timeshare as if you are buying a vacation home. The stark difference is, that if you have a second home you use for vacations and you ever get to the point in life that you no longer need it and want to sell it, you just put the vacation home on the market and eventually someone else will come along and buy it, not so with timeshare resales.
For sure, wanting to get out of timeshare is hard. Since it has been known for many years that timeshare is a worthless investment. That does not mean that timeshare resales companies will not take your money to list it on their website but there your timeshare will sit. FOREVER.

You Have A Better Chance To Get Struck By Lightning TWICEThan To Sell Your Timeshare With One OfThose Timeshare Resales Companies.

If someone does come along and buy your timeshare, that is called (third party ownership) and if this happens at all, it is usually done with someone you know, then it is almost impossible for these third party buyers to get out of that timeshare contract.
We have seen this kind of transaction mess up many relationships between friends and relatives because these third party buyers when eventually wanting to sell the timeshare themselves find out that it cannot be done.
Then they feel like you knew what you were getting them into, so they feel as if they have been duped by you and that you have ran one of those timeshare scams on them.
People call our timeshare exit team all the time to get their timeshare questions answered. Many times these timeshare owners either want our help in writing a timeshare cancellation letter.

Timeshare Attorneys
Timeshare Exit Team and Stff
Sometimes timeshare owners feel they need to pay timeshare attorneys to tell them how to get out of a timeshare. But when these timeshare owners find out the high cost of these timeshare attorneys, they look for a cheaper way of how to get rid of a timeshare.
That’s where our team of timeshare exit staff comes in to play. Our timeshare exit services are far less expensive than using timeshare attorneys but it does not mean, it is any less effective. 

With that said, when thinking about a timeshare, if you want to take legal action against a timeshare company perhaps you are thinking of consulting with timeshare attorneys or maybe you know a few timeshare lawyers.

And you thinking would be right, if what you want to do, is file a lawsuit then for sure, you will want retain one of the good timeshare attorneys or one of the timeshare lawyers you have a good association with.

However, if what you want to do is learn more about doing a timeshare cancellation and/or how to get out of a timeshare.

Then we invite you to log on to our website and see our frequently asked questions or simply give our timeshare cancellation department a call and talk with one of our timeshare exit team professionals.

Timeshare Cancellation

Today, many timeshare owners feel that they have become of part one of those timeshare scams that we all hear about on occasion. What these people plan to do now is to get out of the timeshare scam by doing a timeshare cancellation.

However, after the timeshare cancellation period is over, whenever a timeshare owner says to the resort I really want to “cancel my timeshare.” These timeshare owners are always told no by the resort.

The timeshare resort will every time, tell the timeshare buyer, that after the timeshare cancellation period has ended, no timeshare cancellations can be completed, though that’s not a true statement. 

But, if you try and get a timeshare cancellation on your own without the help of a professional timeshare exit team, you definitely be unsuccessful in getting a timeshare cancellation.

Believe me, this is surely not how to get rid of a timeshare and for sure, your name will not be added to the timeshare cancellation. 

If you already own a timeshare and feel by purchasing the timeshare, you have become entangled a timeshare scam and would like to receive one of our free timeshare exit team reviews, we will be happy to server you.

In addition, you might like to know, if you’re trying to find out how to get rid of a timeshare or how to sell a timeshare, you are not alone - so are many other people. As a matter of fact, a high percentage of people today say, “I would never” . . . buy timeshare.

Yes this you can know for sure, in today’s timeshare marketplace, many people are trying to learn how to get out of a timeshare.

Our timeshare exit team, which is headquarter in Orlando Florida is swamped with calls from timeshare owners from all over everywhere and they all want more information about selling timeshares, timeshare rentals, as well as timeshare cancellation and timeshare resales.

Even though our timeshare exit team does not handle, timeshare rentals or timeshare resales, and selling timeshares. We can give you lots of information about all the perils of; timeshare rentals, timeshare resales and selling timeshares, You will find, our timeshare exit team will be able to answer your timeshare users group, timeshare scams, and timeshare fraud problems.
When it comes to needing good answers on timeshare and particularly about how to get rid of a timeshare, and about timeshare cancellation as well as how to get out of a timeshare.

In all of these capacities our Team Of Timeshare exit are the world leading authorities.

Timeshare Exit Team
Call 24/7: 1-855-600-9053 




Timeshare Cancel Center LLC Attn: Timeshare Exit Team
5036 Dr. Phillips Blvd. #221  Orlando, Florida 2819-3310 USA