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Monday, October 26, 2015

Timeshare - the purchase should come with a warning label. Beware buyer!

Timeshare Scams . . . Timeshare Sales Should Come With A WARNING, WARNING, WARNING!

The warning should read something like this:

WARNING! - Timeshare Scams

Before The Timesharing Resort Is Done With You,
This Is Going To Cost You And Your Family A Lot Of Money!

We sometimes wonder if anyone before they signed on the preverbal dotted line, ever STOP to think for a moment and add up the cost of what this nice timeshare person is talking them into buying - When they were being brainwashed into buying the timeshare vacation.

What it was going to cost them before their life was at its end. Because that’s when the maintenance fees stop for you. AT DEATH!

But That Cost Just Stops For You…

It is not the end of the maintenance fees for your children and or loved ones. Upon your death your children get the shaft (I mean baton) pasted on to them.
Now they are responsible for the timeshare maintenance fees. Whether they want that nice bill or not, they are stuck with it. They don’t have a choice. And the children are scrambling to figure out what to do with the timeshare and how to get that bill off their backs.

What beside the National Debt, would be pass on like that to the innocent next generation? Who would really want to do that to their children? Especially in this economy and there are not any predictions that I know of that say it is going to get in better.

Times Are Ever Changing
The security of job and income, the idea of being with a company and someday retiring from that company, in times gone by, is something we could bank on for our future.

That way of ideal thinking no longer exists. Those were the Leave-It-To-Beaver days. Job security is not something that can be counted on any longer. And the gold watch of retirement is now quickly becoming a pink slip.

That is one reasons so many elderly people are begging for help to do a timeshare cancellation.

They never thought when they purchased that timeshare years ago, that the burden of maintaining that debt would go on and on and on!

Couples never thought that as they aged, their children would have their own way of thinking and their own way of wanting to take a vacation. What started out as a good thing, slowly is becoming a nightmare.

Elderly people are now starting to realize what they have truly gotten themselves into when they signed that timeshare contract years ago.

The Debt Never Stops
In this day and age, what beside timeshare can you buy and the debt never stops? Your timeshare is never really paid for and that continual cost is in the form of maintenance fees and as you age the resorts ages right along with you, there are more and greater amounts in assessment charges.

The resort you bought into will also have to be maintained and your hard earned money is what will be doing it.

You certainly don’t think the resorts owners are going to do that do you? No. The upkeep for the resort is on your back and the backs of your fellow vacation owners. The resort owner(s) made sure that WAS in the contract you signed.
And because so many people believed the lie that owning timeshare was like owning real estate (because that is one of the lies that sold them in the first place) they believe that they are passing along something of value to their children.

And if your children don’t want the timeshare after you are gone, they can sell it and make a nice profit. WRONG! This is one of the big lies told by most timeshare sell people. It’s one big reason so many people call buying timeshare the big timeshare scam.

No Resell Value
There is absolutely no and I mean NO, value in owning a timeshare. If you don’t believe me, just to one of the websites like EBay and look at the listings for all the people who are trying to resell their timeshare.

The people who still believe that they have something of value (because it was preached so strongly at the sales presentation) are still trying to sell it for different amounts of money.

But those who have finally realized that their timeshare is worthless-- well they are practically begging for someone to just take the darn thing off of their hands.

Since it is considered a legal transaction some minimal amount must change hands, they are charging a few dollars for something they purchased for thousands of dollars and even then, they can’t get rid of it.

No One Wants Your Debt
It’s like trying to sell your debt to someone else. Believe me no one wants your debt. If you don’t want it—why should they.

The best thing to do is to stay away from getting talked in to going to a timeshare presentation in the first place.

The free tickets, boat ride, and anything else the off-site people are throwing at you, please remember when and if you do go to the presentation you are going up against hard-core sells people who are highly trained in getting you to agree to buying a timeshare.
They will do and say almost anything they can get away with to getting you to sign a contract before you get out of there.

I doubt seriously that before you and your family go on vacation, you all gather around the kitchen table and have hours of training sessions about how to say NO during a timeshare sales pitch, if you did happen to end up in a timeshare presentation.

To find out even more about timeshare cancellation log onto our website: www.TimeshareCancelCenter.com


5036 Dr. Phillips Blvd. #221 
Orlando, Florida 2819-3310 USA

For a free consultation, 

Call 24/7: 1-855-600-9053  

The Exchange Anywhere, Timeshare Scam

Creates Timeshare Cancellation

Today, let’s talk about, how timeshare scams are creating a lot of timeshare cancellation. Each week, many people call us and ask how to write a timeshare cancellation letter, because they got into some kind of timeshare scam.
Let’s start with saying, to get the most benefit from timeshare ownership, an owner must learn the rules for successful timeshare exchanging. Unfortunately, many timeshare owners learn the rules only after they try and make an exchange and this leads to a lot of unsuccessful exchange attempts and after that many timeshare owners have soured on timesharing and this creates a lot of people who want to get a timeshare cancellation.

Of course, what the timeshare sales people tell the buyers is, one of the most attractive features of timesharing is the capacity to exchange a timeshare week for a week at a different timeshare at different times and locations throughout the world.

What the timeshare sales people don’t tell the buyers is that many timeshare owners can’t get the timeshare exchange they want. This usually happens when the timeshare owner either doesn’t understand how the exchange system works, because the timeshare sales people didn’t tell the buyers really how the timeshare exchanging system works.

In the end, when the timeshare owner is unsuccessful in making an exchange, they become very disillusioned and most often, upset about buying timesharing and this is where the words timeshare scams start to get used. That is one of the reasons that so many people ask us how to write a timeshare cancellation letter.

Ways To Exchange Your Timeshare Scam

Some of the ways to make a timeshare exchange are: Direct exchanges with other timeshare owners; this means exchanges within a resort owners group that provides the timeshare exchanges as part of the timeshare membership; and then there is the exchanges completed through companies that arrange exchanges.

Owner To Owner - Direct Timeshare Exchanges

Direct exchanges occur when two timeshare owners agree to trade the usage of their week(s) with each other. This almost never works out good and again, this is where we start to hear the words timeshare scam.

The real disadvantage of direct timeshare exchanging is the difficulty in finding and contacting other owners to make these kind of exchanges.

A second approach timeshare owners use is to exchange is to contact the resorts into which they would like to exchange to and find out if there is a way to contact owners about making a direct exchange however be warned this again, almost never works like many timeshare sales people say it does. After a few times of this not working many timeshare owners start to think about how to cancel my timeshare.

Exchanges - Timeshare Clubs

Today, any timeshare companies own multiple resorts in different locations. Often, these programs have been structured specifically to make it easier for timeshare owners to exchange timeshare week(s) at different resorts.  

In many vacation timeshare clubs this is the only way you can obtain a week(s) to use. In some cases, these exchanges are free; in other cases the resort charge an exchange fee, which by the way, are going up and up in price.

We hear so often from timeshare owners that, “the timeshare sales people who sold us the timeshare told us that the fees would not go up so now, we want to cancel timeshare”.

The Timeshare Sizes

When talking about timeshare exchanges of course, some timeshare weeks at some resorts will for sure, be a higher demand than other weeks. Also, the timeshare unit sizes and amenities will vary and again, be a higher demand than others.

For the exchange program to be successful, the owner of a high value timeshare week, will expect to have that value recognized in some way in the timeshare exchange program.  

We have talked about timeshare points before in this blog but I want to say here, that exchange programs that do not use points often limit the ability of owners of less desirable units to trade up by limiting exchanges to units of like value.  

Because the details of timeshare exchange will vary greatly among resort groups, you should always contact the resort to find out the full details about that exchange program.  

One thing to remember is that, if the exchange program operates using points, you will know exactly how many points you are entitled to receive based on your ownership, and also always, find out how many points are needed to complete certain types of timeshare exchanges.

If you own a timeshare and would like know how to cancel timeshare, to learn more about a timeshare cancellation see our frequently asked questions or give us a call.
To find out more about timeshare cancellation log onto our website:

5036 Dr. Phillips Blvd. #221 
Orlando, Florida 2819-3310 USA
For A Free Timeshare Cancellation Consultation

Call 24/7: 

Friday, October 23, 2015

Time Share Scams How they All Got Started

How All The Timeshare Scams Got Started

First let’s look at, what is a timeshare - A timeshare is a program in which a group of people shares use of a property by dividing the rights to use the property for specific time periods.  

Although the property is usually a residential project such as a condominium, developers have applied the time-sharing concept to other types of properties, such as houseboats, campgrounds, and recreational vehicle parks.  

Timeshare Intervals
The developer divides occupancy of each of the units into intervals. The developer then sells these intervals to buyers, so each owner of an interval receives the right to use a specific unit for a specific time period corresponding to the interval they purchased. Each timeshare owner then shares the usage of the property along the other owners.  

Through this shared usage, the owners have accommodations in the property, without carrying the financial and property management burdens associated with a conventional ownership.

Timeshare intervals are normally one week long, a few timeshare projects, however, use other ownership fractions, such as one-tenth or one-quarter ownership's.
Almost all timeshare projects are based on one-week intervals, the words “week” or “timeshare week” are used in the timesharing community to mean a one-week timeshare.   

In addition to the purchase price, timeshare owners also pay an annual fee for property upkeep and management. Most timeshare projects also reserve one or two one weeks usage of each unit for maintenance and repairs.
Many timeshare developers have used and still use high-pressure and deceptive sales tactics, with misleading and inaccurate portrayals of what buyers could expect from their timeshare ownership. This is why today there are some many timeshare cancellation.

Over the years, the timeshare industry has also had its share of unethical and dishonest resort developers and operators. Consequently, timesharing has a bad reputation and why there are so many stories about timeshare scams. It’s ture a lot of people buy timesharing but after they buy a lot of people send the developer a timeshare cancellation letter.    

Because of its bad reputation, developers have developed other names for timeshare projects, such as Vacation Ownership or Fractional Ownership.  

Types Of Timeshare

While all timeshare provide the owner, a right to occupy a given period of time. There are many differences in how this is done.

Fixed, Floating and Rotating
In the floating week timeshare, is the right to use a unit for a specified period. However, you must contact the resort to reserve a specific week during the float period.

In a fixed week system, occupancy is for the same week, and usually the every year.  As can be expected, some weeks are more popular than others; this is usually reflected in the price of the timeshare.

Since all other owners that share your float period can reserve any time during that period, if you delay making a reservation you might find that all of the units have already been reserved for the times that you wish to reserve.  
Then you may have to accept a week you may not want, or you may have to forego your usage for that year. Resorts set the policy as to how far in advance you can reserve a floating week. Many resorts require advance payment of maintenance fees to reserve a float week.

Some timeshares use a rotating week system. In this type, usage week changes from year to year on a fixed schedule.  

Deeded – Right-To-Use Timeshare
Another major difference is whether the timeshare is a deeded interest or a “right-to-use” arrangement. Most deeded programs divide ownership of each unit into specific week increments, the buyer, actually purchases a fractional ownership of the unit.  

In some cases, the deed may convey a specific fractional ownership interest corresponding to the ownership period without tying the ownership to a specific week.

In the right-to-use program, the buyer receive the right to use the unit for a specified number of years.  At the end of that period, the usage rights revert to the developer.

Both deeded and “right-to-use” properties can operate with either fixed or floating week programs. In a deeded floating program, the program documents will specify that the owner’s usage is a floating right that must be reserved, and that the owner does not receive any special preferences to reserve the unit and week that appears on their deed.
Some unscrupulous developers of un-deeded resorts have “oversold” the project; meaning they have sold more intervals to owners than the resort can provide. (This is most likely to occur at an un-deeded resort because the absence of deeds linking units sold to specific ownership interests makes it easier to oversell the resort.)  

When this happens, owners will find it very difficult to reserve a usage period.  Accordingly, if you are purchasing a week at an un-deeded floating time resort, you should determine whether you are adequately protected against overselling of the resort’s inventory.

As I said before, the timeshare industry is full of unethical and dishonest resort developers and operators. We get phone calls everyday from people who have fallen for some kind of timeshare scam pitch and now need help to get out from under the timeshare.

Even if your timeshare ownership is past your timeshare cancellation period, or years past your timeshare cancellation period we can help you.

If you own a timeshare and would like know how to cancel a timeshare, to learn more about a timeshare cancellation see our frequently asked questions or give us a call.
To find out more about timeshare cancellation log onto our website:
5036 Dr. Phillips Blvd. #221 Orlando, Florida 2819-3310 USA
For A Free Timeshare Cancellation Consultation,
Call 24/7: 1-855-600-9053   

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Danger - Timeshare Scams - But It All Sounded So Good

The concept of Timeshares came from Europe in the 1960s, and the first American program began in 1969.

Timeshares are basically one of two types; either one fee simple - a deeded property which can be left in a will to your heirs; or two a vacation membership with a "right to use" which has a limited term.

A timeshare is a unit of time, usually a week in a condominium-style facility at a resort, which may be purchased for an infinite or limited period of time.

Timeshare Ownership Products
Today, there are several types of timeshare programs from which to choose, enabling you to purchase the type of vacation ownership that best matches their needs and lifestyle.

Timesharing is a term which describes a method of use and ownership. It denotes exclusive use of accommodations for a particular number of days each year. Usually sold by the week.

Legal Forms
The purchase of a timeshare can take many legal forms. Under a fixed-unit, fixed-week deeded, the purchaser receives a deed allowing the use of a specific condominium at a particular time every year.  

Under a right-to-use plan, ownership of the resort remains with the developer. The purchaser reserves the right-to-use one or more resort accommodations for a specified number of years, ranging generally from 10, 20, 30, 40 and sometimes up to 50 years, after which all rights return to the developer.

Club Memberships
These type of plans come in a variety of forms, they are most commonly known as a club memberships.

Vacation intervals are sold as either fixed or floating time. With fixed time, the unit, or unit type, is purchased for a specific week during the year.

That week is reserved for the same owner every year, subject to cancellation if the vacation owner does not plan to use it in a given year.

Floating time is the use of vacation accommodations usually within a certain time or season of the year. The purchaser may also receive a deed under a floating arrangement.

Within floating time, the price differences are based on the demand within each season. The owner must reserve the desired vacation time in advance, with a reservation confirmation typically provided on a first-come, first-served basis.
Then there is the vacation clubs or point-based timeshare programs which provide the use of accommodations in multiple resort locations.

With these timeshare products, club members purchase points which represent either a travel and use membership, or a deeded real estate product.

These timeshare points are then used much like money to access the deferent size accommodations, season, and number of days at the participating resort.

Fractional Ownership
That brings us to what’s called fractional ownership which enables the buyers to purchase a large share of fractional ownership usually from 3 to 26 weeks. This type of ownership is very popular in beach, ski, and island resort areas around the world.

It all sounds so great but not so fast, if it’s all so great, the question must be asked, why are there some many timeshare cancellation in the timeshare today’s market place?

The answer is because for the most part, the way timesharing is sold. If we were to list the ways that the timeshare resorts are training and retraining their salespeople to scam you that would be a very long list because the ways goes on, on, and on!

If you have become part of this big timeshare scams list by buying a timeshare you now know what I’m talking about.

We have valuable FREE information that will help you discover how to cancel timeshare contract – yes, you can permanently cancel your timeshare payments, all maintenance fees and your entire timeshare contract.

If you own a timeshare and would like know how to cancel a timeshare, to learn more about a timeshare cancellation see our frequently asked questions or give us a call.

To find out more about timeshare cancellation log onto our website:


5036 Dr. Phillips Blvd. #221 Orlando, Florida 2819-3310 USA

For A Free Consultation, Call 24/7: 1-855-600-9053