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Showing posts with label timeshare cancellation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label timeshare cancellation. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Timeshare Cancellation: About Timeshares

Timeshare Cancellation: About Timeshares

This is a great article that give you some information on doing a timeshare cancellation. There are so many timeshare scams these days that you really have to be aware of not getting involved in this industry unless you really know what you’re doing and have done all your homework to know what you are getting yourself involved in.
Timeshare started out as an exciting concept. We will be the first to admit that there are some people that really think that timeshare is a great way to vacation yearly. But most of these people have not gone through the changes that like has a way of throwing at the majority of us.
Most timeshare resorts allow you to trade for different locations around the country and around the world through RCI or II. But what happens so many times is that timeshare buyers find that they have bought into a resort that is not favorable to other people, and a lot of people do not want to come to that location.
We know it is fun to test out different location around the country. But in today’s market you can go online and rent a timeshare at most locations around the world. So if you like to vacation in a condo, they are readily available for renting.
You get all the joys of vacationing in a condo without having to buy one on your own and having that monthly and yearly financial obligation.
So why anyone would want to take on the financial burden of owning on is not rational.
Timeshares are usually marketed as investments to the potential buyers. And that they can be sold later at a profit just like normal house owning does. But that is simply not true.
However that doesn’t stop the timeshare seller from still believing they have made a wise choice when they originally purchased their week or weeks and they think they can still sell it at a profit.
They search out timeshare resellers on the internet and sign up with these unscrupulous companies only to find out later that they have been taken in by a very prevalent timeshare scam that many states are coming against and putting out of business.
So why anyone would want to take on the financial burden of owning one is not rational. There are defiantly a lot of pitfalls in owning one.
The best thing to do is to do yourself a favor and stay away but if you find that you have taken the plunge of signing up to own a timeshare week and now you are wanting to find a way to get out of it, there are ways to do a timeshare cancellation and get yourself out from under that financial burden that lasts a lifetime.
To Find Out More About Timeshare Cancellation Log Onto Our Website:

5036 Dr. Phillips Blvd. #221
Orlando, Florida 2819-3310 USA
For A Free Timeshare Cancellation Consultation,
Call 24/7: 1-855-600-9053  

If You Need Help Doing A - Timeshare Cancellation The Below Information Is For You.
For A Free Timeshare Cancellation Consultation, Call 24/7: 1-855-600-9053  www.TimeshareCancelcenter.Com. . . Timeshare Cancellation Attorney, Learn How To Cancel A Timeshare, How To Get Out Of Timeshare Scams.
We Can Help You Do A Timeshare Cancellation . . . And In Many Cases Even Get All Your Money Back! Need Help With A Timeshare Cancellation, Give Us A Call 1-855-600-9053.
If You Need A Timeshare Cancellation Letter, Or If You Have Been A Victim Of One Of Timeshare Deceptive Sales Practices And Timeshare Scams Or If You Want To Learn How To Cancel A Timeshare, We Can Show You How To A Timeshare Cancellation. 
If You Have Questions About How To Cancel A Timeshare, Call Us We. We Are Trained Timeshare Cancel Specialists, All We Do Is Timeshare Cancellations. We Are The, Timeshare Cancel Center: 1-855-600-9053. Fast Timeshare Cancellation. www.TimeshareCancelCenter.Com

Monday, December 7, 2015

Timeshare Cancellation: More People Get Out Of Time Sharing Every Day

Want to have a fabulous fulfilled vacation at beautiful resorts and all for a reasonable price? Well how about buying a . . . timeshare or should I say a timeshare scam.

Don’t think for a minute I’m endorsing time sharing because I’m not. Frankly I believe for most people timeshare is a big burden that can last a lifetime and not all but some people that buy a timeshare wake up and send a timeshare cancellation letter and notify the timeshare company to cancel my timeshare.

The timeshare industry is a billion dollar timeshare scam that is perpetrated on the average couple throughout the world.

Today there are so many timeshare scams, yet everyday people still fall for the timeshare sales pitch thinking that they are investing in a piece of real estate. Why? Because for so many years, that’s the way timeshare scams were pitched. They told people time sharing was a good investment.

With that said, let me say, when time sharing first started it was not a bad thing; and back then there was never any talk about a timeshare cancellation because the people that brought time sharing like it and time sharing worked.

However, what timeshare started out as being, has changed drastically over the years. Many years ago when timeshare was in its infancy it was good and no one would call it a timeshare scam. Back then, the timeshare concept was that, you were buying into fractional ownership in the resort property itself.

So let’s say, you bought one week at a timeshare resort. You as an owner, owned one week out of the 52 weeks in a year and other people would own the other weeks, so all the owners would own a fraction of the property, sounds nice.
There’s nothing bad about that, however, it was not like the timeshare scams of today. Back when timeshare started, everyone like it and there were no lies told by the timeshare sales people, no high-pressure selling and no one ever thought about doing a timeshare cancellation.

If a resort has many condominiums on their property, the owning one week out of 52 scenario goes on and on for each unit in the complex. You can see how the money adds up for the resort owners, can’t you?

There is a lot of money to be made by owning a timeshare resort and it has made billionaires out of some people. So I guess, its just human nature when there is so much money to be made, that the timeshare scams of today had to slowly evolve.  

And thus came the timeshare cancellation advocates service. If you own a time share and have owned your timeshare for a number of years, you remember back when the weeks that were sold as Red, White and Blue weeks.

Of course the Red weeks were more expense and were the ones that were pushed by the timeshare salespeople to the public buyers.

The higher the price of the week that you buy, the more commission that goes into the salesperson’s pocket. Also because the Red weeks were blocked off on the resorts yearly calendar, the Red weeks were more conducive to vacationing families. It was these weeks that was more sought after and of course could be traded more easily.

But then, what happens over the course of a resorts selling lifespan, is that the resort ends up with only White and/or Blue weeks left to sell. Less desirable weeks.

The resort becomes known by the timeshare salespeople that work there and in the industry, as a resort, not have any good inventory to sell. The resort starts to lose their salespeople to greener pastures where other timeshare resorts have better inventory, more desirable weeks that people want to buy.

It’s no secret that the new money that is brought in to the resort from new sales is the life blood of the resort, and resorts that do not have a steady influx of new money, start to deteriorate in upkeep from lack of funds.

So the resort has to start making repairs to the property by tapping into their present owners pockets in the way of assessments. Thus the timeshare owners are not happy because they can get a big bill for costly assessments anytime the resort owners feel it is appropriate.

The timeshare owners start to realize new amenities that were promised and projected to be in future building plans for the resort, in the initial timeshare presentation are not coming to pass.

At the same time, buyers start to learn that trading is becoming harder, if not impossible to get to place you want. So the buyers are now beginning to see their dreams of vacationing around the county or around the world, slowly dying on the vine.

Also since timeshare is a purchase that is made for a lifetime, buyers keep getting tapped for the big maintenance fees, which keep going up and many people get to the point in life where they can no longer keep up the maintenance fees.

If you own a timeshare and feel you have been involved in a timeshare scam and/or would like know how to cancel timeshare we can help.

To learn more about a timeshare cancellation see our frequently asked questions or give us a call.

To find out more about timeshare cancellation log onto our website:

5036 Dr. Phillips Blvd. #221
Orlando, Florida 2819-3310 USA

Call 24/7: 1-855-600-9053

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Timeshare Cancellation: How To Get Out From Under The - If I Could, Would You

The timeshare vacation revolution began in the 1960’s as an alternative to purchasing a vacation home and back in those days a timeshare cancellation was something that people never did.
Back then, people who couldn’t afford a second home were introduced to an inexpensive way to vacation . . . or so they thought. It slowly evolved into a billion dollar industry that many refer to as: timeshare scams

So please use extreme caution if you decide to go to a timeshare presentation (We advise people just not to do it!). Today some timeshare resorts have as high as, 50% timeshare cancellation rate. Think of it, as high as - fifty present timeshare cancellation - wow!

Why so high you may ask, well, the invitation to attend a timeshare presentation always sounds so good. However, the short ninety minute sales-pitch many times last over six hours and becomes one of intense haggling by the timeshare salesperson.

The timeshare sales presentation is meant to beat down all your objectives and to talk you into buying something that many times you really do not want to buy. When you say “no” to the timeshare purchase, the salesperson is taught in training to come back with a better and better offer. The line they use is: “If I could would you?”

Eventually the salesperson gets you to the point with their, “If I could would you?” that you have no objections left in your arsenal to disagree and the next thing you know, you’re signing the timeshare contract.

Then of course with a second home you really can sell it (providing you bought it right) and make a profit whenever you want to. Not so, with a timeshare. Now I know they told you it can be sold, but that’s one of the many things in that sales pitch that you find out along the way was simply not true and why people call it timeshare scams.

Also with a second home you can use it whenever you want to. Again, not so with timeshare. You have a week, at a certain time of the year and if you can’t get away to use it then, that week you purchased just passes you by.

When people sign up to buy timeshare they must know that their lives will ever change or be altered in any way. And when it does, in the timeshare industry, the buyers adjust to this change by listening to another timeshare salesperson and are so many times talked in to adding more weeks or points to what they already own.

Before they are aware of what has happened and how they got into the mess they have from themselves in, they own more and more additional weeks.

And each week we talk to so many people who need to do a timeshare cancellation because they have found themselves in this position and honestly when they tell us what their monthly payments amount to, it is us, who have to gasp!

Many of these people say they feel helpless and want to find out how to do a timeshare cancellation. We hear over and over people say please help me cancel my timeshare.

You know we don’t know of another industry that is allowed to use, what we feel is abusive sales practices, and are allowed to brow beat people into taking on more and more of a financial burden then they can handle.

This industry could care less if it puts the buyers into a terrible financial hardship. So the best thing to do is to stay away from timeshare presentations!

That free gift you went to get from just listening to a 90-minute presentation can end up costing you thousands of dollars and many sleepless night of hoping some day you might be able to get a timeshare cancellation.

Good news, if you own a timeshare and feel you have been involved in a timeshare scam and/or would like to discover how to cancel timeshare we can help.

To acquire more about a timeshare cancellation see our frequently asked questions or just give our office a call.

To Find Out More About Timeshare Cancellation Log Onto Our Website:

5036 Dr. Phillips Blvd. #221 
Orlando, Florida 2819-3310 USA

Call 24/7: 1-855-600-9053 

Timeshare Cancellation: Once You’re In - How to Get Out

The timeshare cancellation are running in record numbers, why? Many people buy in to the timeshare sales pitch that is given to them at a timeshare presentation about going on a vacation and being able to leave your wallet behind.

Yet when they buy-in to this dream, they find that there even though the vacation is all inclusive, there are salespeople waiting for them to sell them more and more. That’s why many people now refer to time sharing as: timeshare scams.

Timeshare Presentation

The revolving door of you being pitched by a timeshare salesperson never stops. If you own timeshare, you have a big red target on your wallet that tells the resort timeshare people that if you bought in to the timeshare presentation concept once, that you’re likely to do it again and again.

And for some people/buyers, that is the case. They wake up one day and find that they don’t own one week of timeshare, they own several and that the financial burden of it all is taking them down. They call us wanting to know what and how to do a timeshare cancellation.

Some people just can’t say “NO”. They figure if they own one timeshare week which they have enjoyed and they begin to believe if they own more, it will just add to their fun.

Maybe they could afford the additional financial output at the time of the purchase but unforeseen events happen in their life and the timeshare obligations that they have committed themselves to they can no longer handle.

But That Scenario Is Not Always The Case

We speak too many and I mean many seniors that have been talked into buying more timeshare and the salespersons involved in these sales knew full well that these seniors could not afford the added financial expense and yet they still browbeat these elderly buyers into taking on more.

All for the personal financial gain for the salesperson and the resort. What a timeshare scam we feel that is!

To take advantage of vacationing seniors in this way really should be a crime. You won’t believe how many seniors we speak to that just need our help and advice to get out of the additional timeshare expense that they unwittingly got themselves into.

They call us because they need a ray of hope that this mess can be resolved (and it can) by doing a timeshare cancellation.  

If you find yourself in this situation, don’t despair. There is things that can do done to help you get out of the burden. Instead of walking the floors at night, that positive action and get the help and advice you need.

If you own a timeshare and feel you have been involved in a timeshare scam and/or would like know how to cancel timeshare we can help.

To learn further about a timeshare cancellation see our website - frequently asked questions and/or give us a call.
To Find Out More About Timeshare Cancellation Log Onto Our Website:
5036 Dr. Phillips Blvd. #221 Orlando, 
Florida 2819-3310 USA
For A Free Timeshare Cancellation Consultation,
Call 24/7: 1-855-600-9053

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Timeshare Cancellation: How To Cancel A Timeshare

We must tell you upfront that you need to become pretty well versed on all that buying a timeshare entails before you buy one. It is so easy to get taken by a timeshare scam and then trying to do a timeshare cancellation to get out of it can be very hard.
A few of the reasons why a lot families invest in timeshare is that they believe they are buying a second home. A vacation destination they can use again and again throughout the years.
However you won’t believe the amount of people we talk to, that never had any desire of buying a timeshare when they went to a presentation to get their “free” gift, but the next thing they know, is that they are walking away with a signed timeshare contract and the “Free” gift they were promised, and the only reason they were there in the first place, has cost them a world of headaches and now they want to do a timeshare cancellation.

High-Pressure Timeshare Sales Pitch

But it is amazing what people will succumb to when they are subjected to a sometimes grueling six-hour high-pressure timeshare sales pitch by pros-in-the-art of having you buy something that you had no intention of buying.
In all honesty these high-pressure sales techniques that are used on unwilling buyers are part of the industries ongoing timeshare scams that so many people complain about and that so many people have to fight their way out of by doing a timeshare cancellation once they find out what they have really gotten themselves into.
Can you imagine going to buy an actual home and your real estate agent keeps you in the car for hours on hours mentally brow-beating you into buying a home that you didn’t want? No one can see that happening.
But in the timeshare industry, they show you the property, give you the sales pitch and have you with a signed contract between the time you are in one door and out the other.
There is no downtime like when you are buying a real home where the closing is set up for a later date. In the timeshare industry it can be done all at one time. This is just one of the reason there are so many timeshare cancellation.

Hours Of High-Pressure

After hours of high-pressure sales techniques you walk out the door a little brain-dead, with a signed timeshare contract in hand wondering what in the world happened.
Those “free” gifts that got you to that presentation to begin with are like the bait used by fishermen who put the bait on the hook for the unsuspecting fish but once you’re on the hook, you are in a world of trouble trying to get off.
Really the best thing to do, is to just stay away from those timeshare presentations. Remember they are sales pros and unless you are a pro at saying “NO” and getting up and leaving when you are ready and not when they say you can, the best thing for you to do is to just stay away.
To learn even more about doing a timeshare cancellation log on to our website and see our frequently asked questions or give us a call.
If you already own a timeshare and feel you have gotten entangled a timeshare scam and would like know how to cancel timeshare we can answer all your questions.
For More Information About A Timeshare Cancellation Visit Our Website:


5036 Dr. Phillips Blvd. #221 Orlando, Florida 2819-3310 USA

For A Free Timeshare Cancellation Consultation,
Call 24/7: 

Friday, October 30, 2015


Buying Hot Air
As I said in part one about Points—You Need More Points. Let me reiterate a little about what I was saying; “Give The Devil His Due”(Dave Ramsey Timeshare Exit Team)

What I mean by that is, that whoever in the timeshare industry sat down and put their little conniving heads together to figure out how they could suck more money out of their already tapped timeshare owners came up with just one more of the so many timeshare scams.

The Owners Meeting/Party
We have talked to so many people who have had their timeshare for quite some time and then while they were on their vacation they go to an Owners Meeting (which is really just code word in the timeshare industry for sales presentation) and in this Owners Meeting the timeshare salesperson presents you with this new concept of converting your brick and mortar timeshare that you already own into POINTS.

They tell you the timeshare industry is looking out for your best interest to make your vacations the best they can be and with this new points concept you will extend your vacation horizons and be able to go to so many more worldwide destinations.

It’s A Wonderful Thing
And you listen with an open mind and the timeshare salespeople have all the answers to your questions and you think it doesn’t sound all that bad and they are given you all the brilliant reasons why that this new points concept is going to be the most wonderful thing since sliced bread (Baloney).  

And before the so called fun meeting is over, you have bought into the points sales spill and the next thing you know, this new wonderful points concept is only going to cost you three to ten thousand more dollars. Why does it cost you more money? Because now you are not limited to exchanging destinations.
Timeshare sales people will extol the opportunities of exchanging timeshare vacations of brick and mortar to timeshare points because it opens up the world to your vacation wants. And the timeshare brick and mortar is becoming a thing of the past. (Who wants to be left behind?)

If you are old enough, you’ll remember when CDs were starting to come into the picture and tape cassettes were on their way out. When you bought a new car, they would have both tape players and the new-fangled CD player. Eventually though, all cars only had CD players.

Well that’s kind of like it is with the Points system. Some timeshare resorts started to deal only in points, and then just about all the resorts got on that band wagon. 

The Greedy Beast Called - The Timeshare Industry, Is Never Satisfied
The Greedy Beast, has to be feed more and more, and that feed is MONEY. Your money to be exact. Its really at Timeshare Scam.

Okay, now that you have exchanged your brick and mortar timeshare week(s) into POINTS and the next time you and your family are planning on taking a vacation, you call in to make all the necessary arrangements.

You are eager to try out this new point system that you bought into and that cost you more money and go to all the places you only dreamed about.  
Now while you’re on the phone trying to book your dream vacation, your heart drops! The lady/man on the other end of the phone line says, “I’m sorry. You don’t own enough points to go to that destination.”

“Huh?” -  “What”
You could have sworn that when you paid and exchanged into the Point system, the nice timeshare salespeople never said anything about not having enough Points to go to the resorts of your choice.

Now you find that with the amount of Points you have, you are limited to where you can go on vacation. What Now? You guessed it, you need to buy MORE Points and that will cost another X amount of money so not to be limited in your vacation choices of course you buy more Points.

Now not only are you paying for the first group of Points that you bought, you now have a second payment for the additional Points you are buying.

More Than One Payment
Oh don’t want two payments or three payments? (here at the timeshare cancel center, we talk to people all the time that have more than one timeshare payment. That’s why they now want to do a timeshare cancellation).

But that’s no problem, the nice timeshare salespeople will take all that tiresome accounting away from you and just roll it all the payments into one fat payment. And don’t forget, along with all this, your maintenance fees are going up and up and up! Having fun yet?

Soon now you find that you are in staggering debt. It’s weighing you down to the degree that you’re up walking to floors at night. It’s destroying your health and your marriage/partnership.

What good is a vacation that can’t be enjoyed? This isn’t the way it was supposed to be. This isn’t what you thought you were buying into.

You Wonder, How You Got Yourself Into This Mess
The real question is, “How in the world do you get out of this timeshare nightmare? The good news is, there is hope and more importantly there is, help for you and there is a way out of your timeshare nightmare.

To find out more about timeshare cancellation log onto our website:


timesharecancelcenter.com5036 Dr. Phillips Blvd. #221 
Orlando, Florida 2819-3310 USA

For a free consultation, Call 24/7: 1-855-600-9053

Friends of Dave Ramsey Timeshare Exit Team